Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10.9 - WTF is a Gotterdammerung?

(Twilight of the Gods?) Apparently it's an opera composed by Richard Wagner?  also a rough translation of a disastrous series of events?  Hey, Wikipedia, you're cool shit, thanks for imparting knowledge to us everyday folk!

This Gotterdammerung is the 17th Anniversary brew by Stone featuring all German malts and hops... let's see if it's operatic, twilightic, or disastrous...

Stone - 17th Anniversary Beer 'Gotterdammerung IPA"
a 9.5% ABV 102 IBU DIPA brewed with all German malts and hops (Herkules, Hersbrucker, Magnum, Merkur, Opal, Smaragd & Strisselspalt  -  from the Stone website).  Let's see how Stone tackles the idea of a German IPA.  To start, it's got a crazy bright, hazy yellow pour with a pure white head.  As you'd expect, the nose is heavily hop-forward..  there's citrus, vegetable, and floral hops..  sweet, mellow honey malts come up on the back end.  Sadly, this was the most enjoyable part of the beer.   Definitely a German twist on a west coast IPA as floral and malty hops mix with an underlying citrus note, but everything is super slick and sweet.  Supposedly only pilsner malts were used, but it's got the body of a stout with pale malts.  Resinous, oily.. with toffee and orange peel sweetness..  the amount of sweetness, thickness and borderline rotting-vegetation to this beer make it somewhat off-putting.  I can't fully isolate why it's so weird, it just is...

- - 5 Hops

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