Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bruins Game 1 - 4.12.12

So the B's are back, baby!!  Stanley Cup 2012 - here we come!!  In honor of such (besides growing a playoff beard) I thought I'd enjoy some brews from a Boston classic - Sam Adams!  (yeah, yeah I know, a majority of the beers are brewed out in Cincinnati - shut it)

First up, the last of the original Barrel Room series that I've been sitting on since '10 - New World Tripel - a 10.0% ABV take on the classic Belgian Tripel style.  I'm sure it's changed a bit with age, but it did not disappoint.  A bit more orange in color than traditionally, but nice and hazy, huge fluffy head and a decent amount of yeasty sediment floating around.  Definite Belgian funk from their house yeast strain, banana, clove, hints of sweetness and a nice mango aroma are very present.  Sharp, crisp and a touch sour in taste, the funky yeast flavors dominate with the fruitiness of a traditional Tripel taking a backseat.  A noticeably increasing alcohol bite as it warms, which was not at all unexpected, but a nice twist.  Bordering on too fizzy, it's light body and taste made it scary easy to drink.  Again, I'm sure the almost 2 year cellaring changed it a bit, but a really cool take on the style!

Some remnants of the winter that never was - Black & Brew out of the Winter 2011/2012 variety pack - at 5.8% ABV and 24 IBUs.  An almost-black, yet light pour with a minimal head.  A very fleeting nose.. only hints of roasted malt, bitter chocolate and sweet coffee.  Maybe a dash of chicory thrown in for good measure.  Picture a milk stout, then water it down a bit..  you almost have Black&Brew.. except not exactly.  There was something about this I couldn't quite put my taste buds on...  rather carbonated for a coffee stout and more hop bitterness than I'm used it.  Decent iced coffee taste balanced by dark bitter chocolate and hints of dark fruit.  Again.. something I couldn't quite pin down.. keeps me from being really impressed by this, but nice flavor profile for such a light stout.

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