Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Keeping Summer in a Bottle

Summer is coming to an end.. but not before regular season baseball ends, New Hampshire turns a fall mosaic and I compile a few summer brews for ya!  A great time for seasonal beers; albeit a bit lacking in variety, summer beers are nonetheless delicious!  The crisp taste, light citrus flavors, the warm breeze and gorgeous skies...  priceless.

..and what better way to kick of a cornucopia of lovely summer beers than with Summer Love itself!?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mass Brewer's Fest 2011

Oh Hell Yes!  Mass Brewer's Fest 2011 - 2nd annual beer fest put on by the Mass Brewer's Guild at the World Trade Center in Boston!!!!!  I mean, really... just check out that beer list:  Mass Brewer's Fest 2011    Damn, right!?  80+ and there were a LOT more pouring there that weren't listed.  Probably close to 100 beers and a couple casks!  Could not have asked for a better night... started off around 70 degrees or so..didn't get below 60, few clouds in the sky...  and a shit-ton of beers flowing

Gonna TRY to remember which ones I had, and shared as well....  (I probably forgot 2 or 3 breweries we hit..  so damn hard to remember everything I had!)

I absolutely HAD to start the night at the Backlash table.  Seriously, Maggie and Helder of Backlash are amazing and the beer is out of this world!  How in the hell could a beer this great be a brewery's FIRST beer!?  They were true to their word too, this was even better when tapped!  Check out the prior post about Groundswell!! Draught gave this beer more complexity and brought out hints of spice and pepper..poured crisper than from the bottle as well.  Again, outstanding.. follow this brewery people, they're goin' places!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bar Beers

Due to the lack of a great phone camera and a resistance to bring my real camera to the bar each time for fear of looking like a creep, I have some great beers to talk about, with shitty pictures to accompany them!

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Coupl'a Foreign Brews...

Don't go the foreign route too often, so the random ones I got layin' around.. yeah easiest to just group 'em all together into one little non-American post!  Don't usually stray past the borders of the good ole US of A,  1. its tougher to tell what the beer is like (like with Sam Cherry Wheat..Kona Pipeline Porter.. get it?  we're descriptive) 2. even if the label is descriptive..IT'S NOT IN ENGLISH dammit!  A recent post.. Backlash Groundswell for example, not descriptive, but I can read it!  It helps.  Can't tell what these weird foreign words are..translate please! start off with, let's just hop the pond and try some more Samuel Smith beers!