Monday, September 5, 2011

A Coupl'a Foreign Brews...

Don't go the foreign route too often, so the random ones I got layin' around.. yeah easiest to just group 'em all together into one little non-American post!  Don't usually stray past the borders of the good ole US of A,  1. its tougher to tell what the beer is like (like with Sam Cherry Wheat..Kona Pipeline Porter.. get it?  we're descriptive) 2. even if the label is descriptive..IT'S NOT IN ENGLISH dammit!  A recent post.. Backlash Groundswell for example, not descriptive, but I can read it!  It helps.  Can't tell what these weird foreign words are..translate please! start off with, let's just hop the pond and try some more Samuel Smith beers!

You know the back story..if not, go read my early posts again!  Samuel Smith's Old Brewery Pale Ale.  Here, we have a simple, English-style pale ale.  Old-fashioned, tried-and-true..nothing fancy here.  5.0% ABV, nice crisp pour, coppery, solid head to it.  A slightly caramel nose, nutty, hints of citrus and grass...also raisins/figs and sweet malts.  A crisp, solid beer that had a great creamy side.. the caramel and nutty malts give it a great backbone.  the 'thickness' of the beer gives it it's individuality.  A unique apple or cranberry-esque tartness contributes as well, along with a slight bitterness not really associated with any hop profile I can distinguish that let's you know its British for sure.  A great example of a simple style done exceptionally!

Samuel Smith's Organically Produced Lager Beer.  a 550mL ( 18.7oz or an imperial pint ) English-style lager at 5.0% ABV.    A gorgeously light golden brew with a surprisingly quick-lived hearty head.  Rather aromatic with slight grassy hops and sweet bread malt with hints of citrus thrown in for good measure.  A super light beer that would be the epitome of crisp, the flavors almost take a backseat to the crispness of this beer.  Faintly toasted nuts and a pleasant hop profile dominate at first.  A mixture of citrus and grassy, the bitterness is immediately subdued by mildly sweet malts, a lightly toasted biscuit malt.  A lingering, faint sourness mixed with sweetness, faint honey leave a pleasant and crisp aftertaste..  this would be a super session beer!

Germany's G. Schneider & Sohn AVENTINUS!!!  Labeled as 'Germany's Original Wheat Doppelbock'  First brewed in the early 1900's, a wheat strong lager that is stronger and maltier than a regular bock (hence the doppel) at 8.2% ABV and only 11 IBUs.  This is listed as original bottle fermentation, meaning nothing more than the original weizenbock (broad style that encompasses a doppelbock) to be bottle conditioned to add a bit more alcohol and carbonation, and the head is evident of this.  A rich brown-ruby hued beer with a crazy head.  The immediate nose of a German wheat beer, clove, banana, sweet-ish wheat bread, plums, raisin/mild toffee.. a wonderful aroma.  A super light beer considering the color (much lighter than the picture lets on)  Taste is immediately sweet and malty with the traditional clove/banana/bubblegum (yes..its slightly bubblegum-y to me!) A rather thick, but smooth..velvety if you will..taste that is a direct interpretation of the nose. Tons of sweet but rich malts, faint caramel and dark stone fruit, the malts actually weigh heavy on the tounge but are lifted by a decent amount of carbonation.  Strong, yet subdued, a super malty and shining example of the doppelbock style, not overpowering and a simple classic.  Mad props for the recommendation on this one!

Brouwerij Oud Beersel - BERSALIS!  No idea what it means..but I'm gonna say its Brewery Oud Beersel..and this is their "bersalis" beer!  YAY totally foreign beers!  A local, well-known packie occasionally has a rack of beers that they can't sell, or are close to date or maybe someone took 1 outta the 6pk and they mark em $0.99 for a single 12oz and between $1.99 and $3.99 for larger/specialty beers..I'd probably pin this at at least $5.99..being imported and all, so at $3.99 I'd call it a value!  It's a true Belgian Tripel - blonde style - and at 9.50% ABV it is not to be messed with!  A beautiful golden pour with a huge thick head and plenty of sediment.  Definitely a bit of a surprise, but probably should have poured a bit more gently..   Tons of fruity-yeasty esters on the pour, light caramel, citrus, banana,  not much alcohol considering the ABV.  A super crisp, dry tripel with  ton of yeast, lightly toasted malt.  A mixture of slightly hoppy bitterness and a unique tartness with hints of spice.  Fairly sweet and it sure packs a punch when the bottle's done!  A very nice, crisp take on a tripel that's deceptively strong, yet wholly delicious.

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