Saturday, April 13, 2013

4.13 - The Kiwi Rises

A few months old.. want to drink this before it fades too much!

Jack's Abby - Kiwi Rising
a Double IPL (India Pale Lager) at 8.5% ABV and 105 IBUs  Jack's Abby out of Framingham, MA is a lager-only brewery.. very damn cool.  So you'll never see an IPA from them.. only IPLs.  This was brewed using NZ Kiwi hops.. with a ton of additions, hopback and dry-hopping.  A golden yellow pour with a fairly large head.  Wonderful citrus/tropical hop notes rise (no pun intended.. OK, maybe there was) out of the glass.. touches of fresh wheat..  straight-forward hops here for sure.  This is sorta medium-full-bodied for an India Pale whatever.. tons of hops here, not hugely bitter which is a very nice departure from the hugely hoppy India Pales..  Tropical, citrus, grapefruit.. somewhat chewy but smooth.  Tough to describe this one.. but damn is it sexy!  Still very bright flavors.. only a slight malt backbone to offset the wonderful hop notes.  For the sake of the naming.. this is just delicious.. who cares if a lager or ale, I taste no difference.  Not really a bitter aftertaste here with is terrific.. sort of tart and bright.  Simply a great beer.  Comparison to their most recent Double IPL to come soon!

- - 8 Hops!

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