It's been a little while.. I know. Work is crazy busy and I spent last weekend at a beer fest for Backlash. Had to take a few days off of the hooch before getting back into the reviews...
It's got a touch cold around these parts the last few days, so I went a little richer for this one.
Samuel Adams - Dark Depths Baltic IPA
Ok, it's not THAT rich. But I'm sitting on a few gems that I want to hold onto a bit longer and this one needs to get drank soon! A blend of American IPA, British Porter and a roastier, higher ABV brew. 7.6% ABV and 55 IBUs. Fairly thicker pour, molasses-brown with a thick tan head that lingers, leaving little islands of head towards the end and a TON of lacing. Plums and raisins, molasses and a citrus note. Roastiness overpowers all of this. It's slick on the tongue and has a surprisingly up front booze bite. Rich, sweet fruits and malts - a touch of smoke and roast followed by the plums, figs and molasses noted on the nose. Touches of dark cherries and candied blueberries come through riding a wave of chocolate, a la a heavy Stout. But a touch of citrus hoppiness pokes it's head out at the end to keep it's namesake, but does so in a medicinal, metallic fashion. It's warming, roasty and sweet.. but doesn't strike a great balance.
- - 6 Hops
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