Monday, May 21, 2012


No Monday Night Trivia tonight.. but the C's are on!  Let's have a beer!

Boulevard Beer - Saison Brett 2011!  Been sittin on this fellow since last summer, couldn't stand waiting any more.  A special saison based on their Tank 7, but dry-hopped and bottle conditioned with multiple yeast strains including the lovely Brettanomyces.  8.5% ABV and 38 IBUs... with hands down the fluffiest, hugest, most beautiful head I've ever seen!  Gorgeous golden straw in color, the saison aroma just bursts from the glass!  The Brett shines here - a touch of funk, honey, pineapple.. super bright brew.  A touch of spice and some nice, smooth doughy malts.  Super crisp in taste, just enough sweetness to balance some of the spice.  Citrus, tropical fruit, some grass and moist funk.  Touches of a faint tartness and zero sign of the 8-plus ABV.  This is scary good, once you wait the 15 minutes for the head to subside that is!  A beautiful saison with just enough Brett to set it apart, not overly tart or funky.  Would've loved to have aged another even further... sad face.

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